Work Commission Resources - Secular Franciscan Order

"Let them esteem work both as a gift and a sharing in the creation, redemption and service of the human family" (Art. 16, SFO Rule)

Prayer before starting work - Slide show and PDF

Secular Franciscan Sources

Early Franciscan Sources- St. Francis, St. Clare, St. Bonaventure and Thomas of Celano provide a Franciscan perspective on work.

Ecclesial Sources on Work

Work Articles

The following articles develop both the Franciscan and the secular dimensions of work:

Reflections on Article 16 of the Secular Franciscan Rule - articles with dialogue starters by Edward Zablocki, SFO

In the Trenches Personal reflections on faith and work by Mary Zablocki, SFO

Work and the Social Teachings of the Church - reflections by Terry McCarthy, Sr. SFO

DIGNITAS - Proclaiming the Dignity of Work - presents news and views on today's world of work prepared by the Work Commission of the National Secular Franciscan Fraternity in the United States