Family - house with heart and Tau inside

Commission Chairpersons:

Sonia and Jaime Bernardo, SFO 301-933-2487

‘Become Beacons of Light’

It was President Abraham Lincoln, who once said, “I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed but I am bound to live up to what light I have.” As Secular Franciscans, shouldn’t we also live up to what light we have?

Fr. Philip Marquard, OFM stated, “We are called to follow Christ in the footsteps of St. Francis, as lay persons in the world in life-giving union with all the other members of our Franciscan family.” This is our lifelong commitment to live the Gospel life that reflects Francis and Clare. It is lived in our everyday life. And there is no other place to start implementing this, but in our own family first. We bring the spirit of Christ to our home. The radiance of Christ within can change us for the better, as well as the people and situations surrounding us. “In our home…we encourage one another, we build one another up, we are at peace with each other, we seek to do good, we rejoice, we give thanks, we pray constantly, in our home.”

(Brian Cavanaugh, T.O.R. adapted from 1 Thes 5:11,13,15-18)

Changes in technology and communication have impacted the family most of all. And we have also seen the impact on government, health and education. Stephen Covey cited in his book, (Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families), “As the societal indicators of crime, drug use, sexual pleasuring, and violence go on their upward climb…we should not forget that the most important indicator, in any society is the commitment to loving, nurturing, and guiding the most important people in our lives - our children.” Fr. Brian Cavanaugh urged us “to join together and become beacons of light in a world that seemingly is growing ever darker and colder.” He said, “One of today’s daunting challenges is safeguarding the dignity of the family in an ever changing world.”

We want to share with you a story from Fr. Brian Cavanaugh’s book, which shed light on this point: “Several parents were sitting on a neighbor’s porch discussing their children. They were talking about the negative environment in which the kids had to grow up – an environment filled with drugs, violence and a prevailing feeling of hopelessness. How could they, the parents, bring any light into their children’s world, since it seemed so dark and hopeless? Could they be enough of a positive influence in their children’s lives that the children would not just survive, but possibly work to change the world around them? One of the parents remarked, ‘I think we can make a difference in our children’s lives, if we become lamplighters… We’ll be their role models. We’ll share from our own flame in order to light each child’s individual lamp of wisdom and by our love provide the fuel necessary to nourish and sustain its own flame. Then we will have helped them become bright enough themselves, so that they can conquer the darkness and hopelessness of their world.’”

Sounds every bit of what a Franciscan is when he lives the Gospel in life-giving union to others. “You are the light of the world, may others see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.” (Mt 5:14,16) “It is the radiance of Christ within you that helps the people and situations you touch change for the better.”

(Sower’s Seeds That Nurture Family Values, Brian Cavanaugh, TOR)


  1. What changes in your life occurred once you became a Secular Franciscan?
  2. Considering the needs of your family and the families around you how can you be a “lamplighter”?