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2012 Quinquennial Congress

Prayer for Quinquennial 2012

Dear and gracious, loving Lord and Father,
We bring to you the upcoming Quinquennial.
We thank you for the gift of our vocation to the Secular Franciscan Order,
and for our brothers and sisters whom you have also called.
Thank you for the example and inspiration of Francis and Clare,
And grant us a new understanding and vision of their calling, and ours.
Prepare our hearts to hear your call anew,
and enkindle in us a new spirit of conversion and dedication.
Bless those who will share with us,
Bless those who will attend in person,
Bless those who will attend in spirit.
Let your Holy Spirit be poured out on our entire National Fraternity,
That through this Congress we may together discern your heart,
and become all that you want us to be,
In order “to bring about a more fraternal and evangelical world,”
bringing to life more fully the Kingdom of God.
We pray in the Holy and Blessed Name of Jesus, Your Son.

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